Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Important Announcement

Hi Ladies,
It's official! I felt the unction from God to buy my own domain and start writing again two weeks ago. Who knows where this will take me. I changed the bottom of my Hotmail last night to read: I am writing again. I took off the three of the four blogs I had posted under my signature that I wrote faithfully on for over a year almost weekly.

The Lord told me to focus, so I narrowed it down to one blog.  I chose to keep the women's blog because it was my passion and the directions I was going into before I accepted the Youth Pastor position at Gulf Coast Church. I currently am working with many women side-by-side in ministry still, as well as at my workplace. I reach out to the women where I live- so it makes sense!
I am also co-leading a women's Bible study for GCC.

What can I say? I am sooooo excited about this!