Tuesday, April 26, 2011

From Moth to Butterfly: There is Joy in Your Struggle!

Dear Ladies,
I am writing this entry to remind you that you can find joy in the struggle of transformation. Instead of seeing yourself with dry bones or in the state of depression, see yourself alive and well in Christ breathing in the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. There are always going to be struggles, but what do we do with them? Do we allow them to stretch us, or do we retreat back and give in to the struggles? Think about your surroundings. While in the processes of transformation, like a moth shut-in a cocoon, there is inner work taking place. Every Christian goes through struggles and or cycles of growth. Are we going to resist the inner change that is taking place?

I am writing about the spiritual side of transformation, but I am also thinking about things in the natural. Will we stay at a job for security reasons though our land is dry and the environment is stale? I guess this depends on if we are growing. For some God is facilitating a move, but there is little faith by the developing moth to take the necessary leaps. One would rather stick with what they know instead of embracing the new life that He has already prepared.

I woke up this morning thinking some really laborious thoughts about my life. When it was all said and done, the one thing I felt God was speaking to me and has been for a few weeks now, is that there is joy in the struggle. The time in the cocoon is crucial, but everyone moth has to allow the change to take place. The butterfly will take flight when it is ready. Some will stay and allow God to show them the joy in the struggle and eventually they will be released from their cocoon experience. God has given you the provision you need until you are ready. Some will make changes and find joy as they step-out and do new things as in a time of change and or struggle. Remember that the joy of the Lord is your strength!

What are your next steps? Pray and ask God to reveal to you where you are in your struggle. Things can get cloudy. Ask Him to confirm to you where you are in the process and what He wants you to do. Pray, pray, pray! Listen, Listen, Listen.

To hear more about this, come hear me speak at Community Life Center Church (19048 Edgewater Dr.) in Port Charlotte, on Saturday, May 14th @1:00.

1 comment:

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm said...

This reminds me of what a friend of mine told me lastnite. " I think God is showering you with His love because He knows that even though you've gone through some rough times you have never lost your faith. He knows that your fiance is a good man who loves you unconditionally -- and sending you the love of that man is God's way of acknowledging your having survived the hurtles you've overcome"!

I have been stressing over a wedding that is happening in a little over a week. God has put so many wonderful people in my life that is helping us during this.I have went thru some tough trials in my life and I feel, like this person said, God is giving me my rewards for everything I have went thru while not losing my faith in the process. We just have to keep that faith for Him and just also keep up the daily prayers. You will be so surprised of what God does for you.