Saturday, March 16, 2013

Accountability & Relationship= Both a Winning and Godly Combination

Accountability & Relationship= A Winning and Godly Combination

Dear Ladies,
It’s so important that we are not an island to ourselves; we can miss out on what God is doing in our lives. We can become narrowed in our focus. It’s also pertinent that we “saddle up” with friends who are seasoned and strong in the Lord, who speak the truth in love, that stick closer than a brother or sister we can’t trust, that can listen and pray for us, while keeping their lounge quiet to the outside world.  In isolation, the enemy has us where he wants us: backed up in the corner! If you want to grow in life, you have to become accountable to another woman of God and allow them to speak in their lives. So, I encourage you to be cautious, but step outside of your comfort zone and grow more.  People say that don’t needs friend and fellowship. I think that is pain and hurt talking. Yes, sometimes people to burn us.  When we are the only ones evaluating our situation, we can become blind-sided. We don’t have to hold onto to hurts. Yes, God shoulders these, but He also sends us people to bring sunshine to our garden. Don’t you need some sunshine?

Pastor Ileana Reich

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